Archive Grid provides access to detailed archival collections of family histories, political papers, and historical records held in archives around the world.
Boundless app provides access to popular and best selling ebooks and eaudiobooks. The collection includes thousands of titles for adults, teens, and children.
BiblioBoard Library Open to all residents of Illinois, BiblioBoard has digital books, images, documents, audio and specially curated collections.
Birthday Time Capsule Type in your birthday and create a "time capsule" for the day you were born, including headlines, prices, top songs and TV shows, favorite toys, and popular books.
Code.org is a fun, creative platform for learning basic coding and computer science!
Coursera is an online learning platform offering self-paced guided projects and on demand courses on a variety of subjects.
Crash Course is an educational YouTube channel featuring
educational videos.
DPLA Digital Public Library of America offers free access to American libraries, archives, and museums.
Explore More, Illinois provides instant online access to free and reduced tickets to local venues.
Fueleconomy The official government source for fuel economy information. Find and compare cars; calculate your mpg; explore hybrids, and more.
Go Noodle - Movement and mindfulness videos for kids.
Google Books to search full versions of public domain books, preview several pages of popular books.
Google Scholar provides an easy way to broadly search for scholarly literature.
How Products are Made Gale Resources brings us a new database with detailed descriptions and pictures about how things are made.
How Stuff Works Learn about how stuff works through words and pictures.
Illinois Legal Aid Online provides a resource where people can find the help they need for legal solutions.
Inkie is a set of resources that supports local authors with online creation and publishing tools and allows readers access to locally produced content.
Khan Academy is a free website that offers practice exercises, instructional videos, and a personalized learning dashboard so learners can study on their own.
Kindle ebook reader is a free app that can be loaded to your phone or tablet to access ebooks borrowed from your library's ADML collection.
Library of Congress to access digital collections o documents, photographs, and more.
Lunch Doodles with Mo where learners can draw, doodle, and explore new ways of writing together with Mo Willems, author and illustrator.
World Factbook This website from the CIA provides information on the history, people, government, economy, geography, communications, transportation, military, and maps for 267 world entities.